Welome to Bluff Dale ISD Library!
If you have any new or gently used books you would like to donate to the Bluff Dale Library, we would love to add them to our collection!
The Bluff Dale School Library is open Monday through Friday to make sure our students have access to the books they need and want. Students may check out up to 2 books at a time.
PK-5th grade has a scheduled library time to come learn in the library. Sometimes that time is spent doing research, learning about library skills or working on projects from other classes. The younger grades enjoy coming to hear stories and play library games. Volunteers are welcome to help with class projects and read with students.
Please help your child remember to return their books.
Donations are very much appreciated by the Bluff Dale School Library!
If you have any new or gently used books that you would like to donate, please feel free to drop them by the office or call 254-728-3277 ext25.
Click the following link to submit a request to have a resource/library book reviewed by the district-level Reconsideration Committee: